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Startseite Gregor Czisch

Supergrid for Renewables

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With the underlying economic assumptions based on today's technologies and prices shown in the upper right tables the costs of solar thermal electricity production are calculated for some selected sites. The results are listed in the table on the left side.

Using today's High Voltage DC (HVDC) technology to transport the electricity to Europe (e.g. Kassel GER) the costs of electricity would even for the furthest distance mentioned only increase by 30%. The underlying economical assumptions for HVDC technology are shown in the lower right table.

The costs of electricity in Kassel do not seem to be very unreasonable. The option to import solar thermal electricity from Northern Africa to Europe becomes even more interesting if the investment costs for solar fields, the most costly part of SEGS power plants, are reduced. A reduction to roughly 50% of the today's field costs is expected as soon as a capacity of 7 GW of SEGS is erected world-wide. This will reduce the costs of electricity in Kassel to approx. 60% or below 12 DPf/kWh.

Verantwortlich: G. Czisch; Gestaltung: C. Budig, G. Czisch, W. Flemming